How to Surround Yourself With Only the Best Fucking Vibes

Given the current state of the modern world, it's no surprise that unhappiness is on the rise. Economic problems, political issues and the pressures of the daily rat race are all things that contribute to an overall feeling of stress, low mood and all around emotional exhaustion.

However while it's completely understandable, that's no way to live. You only get one life, and it's so important to live the shit out of it, sucking every little piece of excitement and joy you can from it.

Nobody wants to feel drained as fuck, just struggling to survive. The following are some tips on how to keep your head high and your vibe higher.

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Surround Yourself with Awesome People

"You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with"- Jim Rohn

If you are trying to keep your vibes high and maintain a positive outlook, it's important to protect your space from people who might drag you down with gossip, drama and toxic bullshit. Surround yourself with people who will support your dreams and lift you up, rather than bringing you down.

Human connection is a very powerful thing, and having a good support network is vital for your health, happiness and well-being.

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Pay Attention to the Good Shit

If you were to turn on the news today you would be absolutely inundated with a ton of terrible fucking stories about how the world has absolutely gone to shit. Whether we realize it or not, being bombarded with all this negativity isn't doing us any favors. The solution? Balance that shit out.

There is good news out there, however it just might not get the clicks or sales that the scary news does. Make sure to seek out positivity in the media you consume, and when you find it pay close attention.

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Do Shit that Makes Your Soul Feel Good

I get it, we all have a major time deficiency. That being said, it's still important to find the time to do shit that sets your heart on fire. Whether that's plugging away at your side hustle, watching Netflix in your pajamas, or belting your heart out at kareoke- Do. That. Shit.

Don't just survive. Thrive.

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Take Time to Give Back

One of the most amazing feelings in the world is giving to others. There is nothing that raises your vibe higher than helping others and treating people with kindness. This can be as simple as a random act of kindness, mentoring someone new to your zone of genius or volunteering in your community.

It is very likely you will find that the simple act of helping others will light you up inside, leaving you feeling amazing.

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As you go forward remember this- you are the captain of your own life. Make sure you make the most of it with the best fucking vibes only!

Fuck your bad vibes! Make sure you are getting the most out of life by surrounding yourself with the best vibes possible.

Fuck your bad vibes! Make sure you are getting the most out of life by surrounding yourself with the best vibes possible.


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