This Is Not Political, It's Ethical.
Hi gorgeous babes!
Let's get political, political.

Just kidding, I just wanted to sing it to the tune of Physical haha. But this post is kind of sort of political in nature. It all started Friday when I saw a news story on Facebook stating that POTUS wants a dress code where the women in his presence would "dress like a woman." Is it true? Who knows anymore these days, #alternativefacts. But it created a shit show on the internet using #DressLikeAWoman, especially from feminist driven brands and lots of press coverage (here and here are a few examples) and women showing just how badass they are and how they dress like a women.
I can't lie, I fucking LOVED it.
If you're at all familiar with me and this brand, it is wholeheartedly a brand working to make women bolder, more proud to be themselves, and do it unapologetically. All done by one woman (me) who has a passion to make women recognize their full potential to be who they are, regardless of what others think. So this showing of women warmed my heart with alllll the warm and fuzzies.
While this post seems political, it's not really. I don't care who it is that says that a woman should "dress like a woman," they're on my shit list. Whether it's the POTUS, an article, or some random person on the internet. A WOMAN has the right to dress, act, live, breathe, function, love, and succeed however the fuck she wants to. It doesn't matter what her political affiliations are, her sexuality, her skin color, her age, or her marital status. SHE is free to be herself however she chooses. That's why I personally take a lot of stock in our Do No Harm But Take No Shit bangle, and quite frankly think that would be my platform if I ran for office haha, because you are not required to take the shit other people have on as your own. People won't like you, people won't like what you do. Even if it's remotely what they say they want, they'll find a reason not to like it. So might as well do whatever you want! As long as you do no harm to others.
This touches on my post from last year, How To Be A Lady in 2016 + Check Your Fucks At The Door.
So babes, get out there and #DressLikeAWoman , be yourself and kick lifes ass. OH and keep an eye out for even more new Expletives™ bangles coming your way soon. ❤

YASSSSS!!!!!! Love you for saying all of this. #WearWhateverTheFuckIWant ❤
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